
Narrative Elements

The video below is actually a video I made with some classmates about Fall 2009 for a group class project about the book A Brave New World. The book talks a lot about people being put in their place by what they can or cant have because the world is "programed" that way, and it seemed like the ones programmed to have more were happy except for one that saw the world as it truly was. The video theme? Futuristic(we tried our best in that area... haha) Shopping.. [we also added a sort of awkward semi-creepy elemental feeling into the video as a joke to our classmates... so it will seem weird].  It shows about shopping and how it leads to happiness until something better comes along and then what once made us happy is just something to be forgotten. The video is a little not top notch of course but it gets the point across. More stuff wont make us happy, but will lead to our downfall. 


P.S. I really don't ever act or talk like this... it was for the video and so I couldn't keep my voice sounding the same..... =P 

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