

Ads are always eluding to things even when whether it be obvious or subtle. There are many different types of ads and they differ in how they go about promoting their product.  So lets look at some ads and "decode" their message.

 "Gillette Safety Razor: Begin Early. Shave Yourself." 
In this ad, we see a baby that looks to be shaving, this visual part of the ad i would say it would be  saying a few things. such as "it's so safe even a baby could use it," also the baby is so happy you assume there is no way the baby has cut itself so its yet again alluding to the safety factor of the razor which in turn makes the point it needs to make making the consumer believe that the product is reliable.

"Non Smoking Area"
In this ad we have here, we see immediately that there is an anti-smoking ad and there is a section of grave stones that is gone with the label, "non- smoking area," with this idea in our head it is basically saying that those that aren't smokers aren't going to die as soon as the others that do smoke, so it makes you assume that the graves that are there are graves of smokers that died because of their habit.

"Heres the rest of your
 fur coat"
This ad is for Peta, so it is an ad that is trying to get people to think about animal rights and this ad specifically is to get people not to buy fur because of its cruelty factor. And this ad shows how cruel it is. It definitely uses the disturbing pictures in order to make you pity the dead, skinned fox. It makes you want to do something about it even if that just means to not buy fur.

I thought this commercial ad was very creative, it used the fact of the extreme dedication that monks have and then show that they went through years of training and they basically worship pepsi. 

All of these ads took remarkably different ways of promoting the product, but they all were successful in getting the attention of the consumer. They used unique tactics to lure in the audience, using pity, fear, and trust even. 

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