
Technology in Journalism: Apple Computers

Check out this link, its about the Missouri School of Journalism and how its come into the technological times and is using the technology of Apple Macs (I LOVE MINE!) to get their messages across through media and journalism. To see the video and read about it, click here!


I'm Rachel Spillane, 19, I have been born and raised in the heart of Marietta, Georgia. People call me a bunch of different things like Rae, Rae Rae, Rach, Rachie, Spillane, Splane (hence the blog name), Spillaney (pronounced Spill-ah-nay) and a bunch of other random things. I completely gave up caring what people think of me and how they choose to judge me.. And I have to say I have the best friends anyone could ever have because of it! I am OBSESSED with art!!

Taking pictures...



 Making jewelry, etc... 
It is and will always be my life (especially since Im an art major)! 

I have two cats, Paisley(Dark Tortie) and Cleo(Light Tortie), a dog (Duke), and a fish named Huckleberry Finn

So.. Welcome to my Blog!