
♩♫♭Music to My Ears ♬♮♯♪

Music is my thing. I LOVE music! I have 3 iPods and I'm about to get a fourth! I have over 3,000 songs on my iTunes and thats after deleting several hundred. I am an off-the-wall odd ball when it comes to music, I listen to very diverse genres. I am a fan of Tchaikovsky. I am a fan of   Underoath. I am a fan of Nirvana, Metallica, Natalie Grant, Yiruma, Blink-182, The Vitamin String Quartet, Rascal Flats, The Almost, All Time Low, Backstreet Boys, Dario Marianelli, Five For Fighting, Foo Fighters... the list go on and on. Even within the genres I love to listen to bands not many people know about. Some may say, 'This music is no good,' but how do they define "good?" Do they refer to music as good when its one of the songs they hear on the radio every day when they get in their car? Do they think a good beat makes music good? Or is it the lyrics? 

These days music is made popular by the number of times it's been played, take our own little Rebecca Black.... she sucks. However, the thing is, she's famous and the viewers and the consumers in our world today have done that themselves. With every time she is mentioned, every time her songs are viewed or bought, she becomes more and more famous. Attention is brought about more than just by good music. If attention was only brought to "good" music... we would never hear of Rebecca Black. Lets face it bad music becomes famous solely because it is bad music. But the thing is how is music defined as good or bad?

There is really not anything that is set or determined that defines what makes music either good or bad. SOO That is why I am here, to express my opinion on the matter!

So heres my list, 'What makes good music "good"and what is just a no no!':

  1. Can the singer even SING? If the answer is no... forget it, I'm not listening.
  2. Forget the auto tuned crap, I.M.O its like listening to lies. 
  3. Does the song have a good beat?
  4. Does the song make you feel the emotions it portrays? (The beat as well as the lyrics work toward emotion)
  5. Does the song keep the beat consistent throughout the song? When a song has a set and determined beat, straying from this beat just throws it off the deep end. I don't want  to listen to a song that goes from being undistinguishable because theyre singing/rapping/whatever so fast to soommmeeettthhhiiiinnngg ssooooo  drraaawwnnnn oooouutttt itt beeeecooommmeeeess obbbnnooooxxxiiooouuuss. I dont want to be taken by surprise when every other line goes from fast to slow... that just does not appeal to my taste.
  6. Im not a fan of cliche.  I don't want to listen to the same sounding songs each and every time a "new" song comes out.
  7. Are the lyrics something I want to listen to? I don't want to hear about how you sat around all day, sharpened your dull pencils, and clean out your purse/wallet. Just like the pencils, its DULL! Listeners want to hear something they can relate to or even aspire to become.
  8. I dont want to hear how you "smack[ed] that all on the floor, smacked that [gave him] some more." This also follows the dull pencil concept. I DON'T want to hear about you or your "bubblegum"!
  9. 'What?!? The song is 9 minutes long??? And those are the only lyrics?' I could easily give you a great example of thie one. GREENDAY! You are VERY guilty of this!  "Homecoming"? is it necessary that it is 9 minutes and 18 seconds? and "Jesus of Suburbia"... just over 9 minutes... 30 Seconds to Mars is also semi guilty of this, some of their songs lasting over 6 minutes. Theres a point when you are listening to a song that you just get tired of it.
  10. Stick to your genre! I hate listening to  a great Alternative/Pop song and they randomly start screaming... I do like some screamo but I dont like when other genres decide to just throw in some screaming.. no, no.. stop that!
  11. I love a good calming acoustic song. But when your guitar playing sucks and you're singing just isn't quite up to par... I can listen to an untouched acoustic... but there IS a point where I suggest you get yourself back in voice and guitar lessons.
  12. DANCE music. I love you. I really do. I love the music that keeps me jumping and excited and just having fun. I can't dance, but that doesn't mean I don't want a good beat to dance to.
  13. Consistency, consistency, consistency. I want to hear consistant lyrics. I want to hear a chorus, a few lines that stand out from the rest in repetition. I don't want to hear lyrics talking about nothing and just jumping back and forth from one random to another "Don't get it twisted Lil Mama got my paper on That means im a paper chaser I chase my paper on And I know we chasin paper that you be chasin on....I'm telling you like Jennifer Hudson I got plastic elastic in the back of the jaguar sure cause that's whats poppin... " what?!?!
  14. When lyrics don't seem to go together they don't flow and the words just don't compliment each other... failure. I will not listen to music with a choppy flow and words don't compliment each other.
  15. Just because its mainstream does not mean its better. Explore the music you've never heard. You might be surprised.

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