

“We are a global network of culture jammers and creatives working to change the way information flows, the way corporations wield power, and the way meaning is produced in our society.” - Adbusters
With this, I say make it a revolution! A revolution of media: news, journals, TV shows, blogs, movies, newspapers, news channels, magazines, the web! Media needs a to start a rebellion against the structure its been assigned. This structure is full of bias, being swayed by corporations strong enough to keep information the way they want it to be seen. This is what Adbusters plans to stop.
Adbusters has created campaigns in order to try to make their way to a cultural revolution, with campaigns such as “Buy Nothing Christmas.” It is shocking for most of us to even hear something like that, ‘What?? Mom and Dad aren’t getting me my Louis Vouiton handbag and my iPad and that new Juicy Coture Perfume?!?.’ But this movement is not about the things, its about control, showing these companies we buy from that the consumers are the ones with the true power. As soon as consumers are no longer consuming there starts a halt in their revenue, which is every companies nightmare. Buying nothing for christmas I’m sure may sound COMPLETELY out of the question for some, so they have also taken this into consideration and have also said that for those that see this as too extreme, they suggest that you try to buy less or buy locally, those local businesses need more support than the large corporations would ever need, by doing this you can support your community as well as do that holiday shopping. “Buy Nothing Day” is also another day that they have created for the same reason of putting control back in the hands of the consumers. This day is to happen in the US on November 25, 2011 and Internationally on November 26, 2011.
Adbusters have also created another way to buy from small localized companies. Instead of buying from the converse name brand, they have a similar product called Blackspot Shoes. These shoes not only put the control back into the hands of the consumers but they also are eco-friendly, made of recycled rubber tires, hemp, vegan leather and are painted by hand. These fair trade factory Blackspots could truly pass for a normal converse shoe, so if its the converse-look that you are looking for, but you want to keep your purchase local and make it eco-friendly, Blackspots are the way to go. 
Adbuster also has a campaign for #NOSTARBUCKS, which is as simple as it sounds, no Starbucks. Stick to the locally owned coffee shop, you never know, it could be twice as good as the mass made coffee Starbucks makes, you could even look up the recipe for your favorite drinks online. 


Snooki's New look.. Lady Gagas new outfit!! (Who cares..)

Journalism has lost its touch, headlines are becoming things like "The 'Jersey Shore' Cast Dresses Like Hipsters", "Jennifer Aniston Made Justin Theroux Shave His Beard", "Michelle Rodriguez is on a boat. She‘s probably wasted too." 

The media is losing sight of what is important. In my opinion, news is something that can affect our lives, and I don't know about you, but I dont care that Justin Theroux shaved his beard.... I don't even know why that is... (thats how I prefer it!!) and i dont really care all that much about lady gagas new outfit

News should be about the world, the economy, the heros in our community, inspirational stories, etc.. today's priorities are skewed and there shouldn't be so much focus on the celebrities of the world. We don't need to know how the A listers are living their lives, I don't care is the jersey shore cast is wearing the "hipster look", and don't care about who's pregnant and maybe wasted..

Journalism needs to be taken back by those who care about whats happening in the world, not what Snookie is wearing today, that makes no difference to me. BUt whats hapening around us and internationally.. matters.


Media, Media, Everywhere...

“Companies that own large numbers of companies in various mass media such as television, radio, publishing, movies, and the Internet” also known as media conglomerates as I learned last year, are companies such as Walt Disney. 

Founded on October 16, 1923, by Walt and Roy Disney, The Walt Disney Company, as of 2010, is the largest media conglomerate in the entire world.

With 8 divisions Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group, Disney Music Group, Disney-ABC Television Group, Walt Disney Theatrical, Radio Disney, Disney Interactive Media Group, Disney Consumer Products, and Walt Disney Parks and Resorts I believe it to be a very successful company. It also owns many subsidiaries: Pixar Animation Studios, Marvel Entertainment, LLC, Playdom, Tapulous, ESPN (80%), ABC Inc., A&E Television Networks (42.5%) as well as numerous others.

The Walt Disney Company, I would say has done a fabulous job on the focus of its media concentration with it mainly focusing on what principles Walt Disney originally started on, which I believe to be purely entertainment for the masses. The success of their media concentration is very clearly reflected on its revenue of 38.8 billion dollars this past year!! However, this company not only focuses on entertainment through orated and visual entertainment, but it also has many branches of resorts and cruise lines such as Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, Disneyland Resort, Walt Disney World Resort, Tokyo Disney Resort, Disneyland Paris, Euro Disney S.C.A., Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, Disney Vacation Club and Disney Cruise Line. From its radio to their cruiselines theres certainly more than enough to be said about its success in its growth and expertise in the field of media. 


The Future Lies Ahead: Internet in the Making

"Slowly but surely" is not the case with the internet, the internet is taking over the masses with the speed of light. Advancements are constantly being made throughout the world. This makes some wonder, where is the internet headed towards?
 It is the (more recent) past,  present, and future
Since its conception, the internet has gone from simple text on a solid white page to videos, movies, music, almost anything you can imagine. Internet is now in the palm of your hand with ipads and phones and itouchs, etc. 

Not only is the internet in the palm of your hand but its now in your own kitchen refrigerator and even your car! No one TRUELY knows where the intenet is going but within the next few years but it is going to go far!

When you think about it, the internet has revolutionized our decade, but it's not all it use to be in some ways. The internet is becoming more and more monetized, ads popping up everywhere, its just getting to where it's not very often to even find a page without ads, these ads are what provide revenue for web pages. The internet is so free of barriers that things such as porn are accessible to anyone with a computer, I think that in the next 10-20 years this will become such a problem, there will be or at least SHOULD BE barriers and rules to not allow things like this on the computers. The stats on the internet are truely astounding and are shocking to hear. See for yourself...