
Snooki's New look.. Lady Gagas new outfit!! (Who cares..)

Journalism has lost its touch, headlines are becoming things like "The 'Jersey Shore' Cast Dresses Like Hipsters", "Jennifer Aniston Made Justin Theroux Shave His Beard", "Michelle Rodriguez is on a boat. She‘s probably wasted too." 

The media is losing sight of what is important. In my opinion, news is something that can affect our lives, and I don't know about you, but I dont care that Justin Theroux shaved his beard.... I don't even know why that is... (thats how I prefer it!!) and i dont really care all that much about lady gagas new outfit

News should be about the world, the economy, the heros in our community, inspirational stories, etc.. today's priorities are skewed and there shouldn't be so much focus on the celebrities of the world. We don't need to know how the A listers are living their lives, I don't care is the jersey shore cast is wearing the "hipster look", and don't care about who's pregnant and maybe wasted..

Journalism needs to be taken back by those who care about whats happening in the world, not what Snookie is wearing today, that makes no difference to me. BUt whats hapening around us and internationally.. matters.

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