
The Future Lies Ahead: Internet in the Making

"Slowly but surely" is not the case with the internet, the internet is taking over the masses with the speed of light. Advancements are constantly being made throughout the world. This makes some wonder, where is the internet headed towards?
 It is the (more recent) past,  present, and future
Since its conception, the internet has gone from simple text on a solid white page to videos, movies, music, almost anything you can imagine. Internet is now in the palm of your hand with ipads and phones and itouchs, etc. 

Not only is the internet in the palm of your hand but its now in your own kitchen refrigerator and even your car! No one TRUELY knows where the intenet is going but within the next few years but it is going to go far!

When you think about it, the internet has revolutionized our decade, but it's not all it use to be in some ways. The internet is becoming more and more monetized, ads popping up everywhere, its just getting to where it's not very often to even find a page without ads, these ads are what provide revenue for web pages. The internet is so free of barriers that things such as porn are accessible to anyone with a computer, I think that in the next 10-20 years this will become such a problem, there will be or at least SHOULD BE barriers and rules to not allow things like this on the computers. The stats on the internet are truely astounding and are shocking to hear. See for yourself...


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